Frequently Asked Questions
what is your position on Transgender reassignment Surgery?
Transgender reassignment Surgery for youth/children under 18 years of age:
I am opposed to transgender reassignment surgery for children and youth under the age of 18 years.
The potential harm to underage children and youth does not justify allowing such an extreme surgery to be performed before they can make rational decisions that will impact the rest of their lives.
Those experiencing distress from gender dysphoria need support and counseling, especially during puberty when hormones play such an important role in identity and development. This support should be available for as long as is needed until they reach at least 18 years of age.
I oppose transgender reassignment surgeries being paid for at taxpayer expense. Nearly every insurance company, including Medicare, recognizes and covers transgender-related medical care. This is the resource that should be used to pay for these surgeries.
Transgender biological males competing in sports against biological females:
I am opposed to biological males competing against biological females in sports. This gives the biological males unfair advantage because they have greater muscle mass and strength, even with hormone therapy. Biological males and females should compete in sports with their biological equals.
Transgender “rights” to gender-identity restrooms, shower rooms (i.e., male or female private spaces):
I am opposed to biological males being in the private spaces (i.e., bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, etc.) of biological females, and vice versa, whether or not they have had gender reassignment surgery. The answer to this dilemma is unisex, single-use facilities.
What are the intentions of the proposed legislation?
Why is it needed?
What problem(s) is it intended to fix?
What other previous legislation has been passed and how does this bill affect it?
Is it Constitutional?
Do the voters support it?
What are the ramifications – positive and negative – if passed?
What is the financial impact and what does the cost-benefit analysis show?
Unless I can answer each of these questions honestly and see value in the bill, I won’t support it no matter what Party proposes it. Legislating isn’t a 30 second sound bite. It takes hard work, experience, knowledge and commitment.
what are your considerations with each bill?
Here are the things I consider with every bill presented to me:
What are the intentions of the proposed legislation?
Why is it needed?
What problem(s) is it intended to fix?
What other previous legislation has been passed and how does this bill affect it?
Is it Constitutional?
Do the voters support it?
What are the ramifications – positive and negative – if passed?
What is the financial impact and what does the cost-benefit analysis show?
Unless I can answer each of these questions honestly and see value in the bill, I won’t support it no matter what Party proposes it. Legislating isn’t a 30 second sound bite. It takes hard work, experience, knowledge and commitment.