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  • Senator  Bennett explains his vote on HCR 2060.
  • SCR1013


    I SUPPORTED the two different bills that are combined into this one resolution to be put to the voters. Therein is the first problem - it violates the single subject rule in our Constitution. We are not allowed to put two different issues in the same Proposition lest voters might support one but not the other.

    Further, since the voters passed the Voter Protection Act years ago, if there is a problem with the implementation of its provisions, the Legislature CANNOT make changes unless it has a 3/4th vote AND the changes “further the intent” of the original legislation.

    These are difficult and delicate issues being worked out in each school or district. The Legislature should do our job through the legislative process in case further revisions are needed.

  • HCR2018 (monitor travel)

    HCR2018 (monitor travel)

    HCR2018 I completely SUPPORT the part about prohibiting governments from limiting our miles driven or monitoring private travel.

  • Prescott Talks: Interview with Arizona State Senator, Ken Bennett
  • Meet Ken Bennett
  • Ken Bennett - Presentation on AZ Budget